In an exclusive interview with Sky News, renowned Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan shared her hopes that her latest film, ‘Buckingham Murders’, serves as a beacon for unity between Muslim and Hindu communities.
The film’s plot unfolds amidst the backdrop of recent tensions between Hindus and Muslims in Leicester, and it comes at a critical time when sectarian violence is surging in India. Khan views the film as a medium to subtly convey a message of peace and unity.
Expressing her sentiments, Khan stated, “I hold the firm belief that we all are part of a singular human race. We all thrive under the same sun, and tread on the same earth. So, what justifies the divisions and conflicts?”
Khan, 43, passionately championed the cause of peace and unity. “The essence of the film, though subtly, revolves around the idea of togetherness,” she emphasized.
Set in High Wycombe, ‘Buckingham Murders’ marks the celebrated actress’s debut in the role of a producer, adding another feather to her cap, after earning numerous accolades for her on-screen performances.