Questions Raised on Claim of Alien Origin for Underwater Spherules
A Harvard astronomer’s bold claim of discovering metallic balls on the Pacific seafloor that could have originated from extraterrestrial technology is now under scrutiny. Avi Loeb, the director of a computational astrophysics center at Harvard, led an expedition in search of meteor debris, convinced that the metal spherules found underwater were remnants of a meteor that exploded near Earth in 2014. However, a new study suggests that the search may have been misdirected, casting doubt on the theory of an alien origin for the mysterious metal balls.
Seismic Data Misled Expedition
Researchers from Johns Hopkins University have challenged Avi Loeb’s findings, proposing that the seismic data used to pinpoint the crash site of the supposed extraterrestrial object may have been skewed. The blip detected on the seismometer during the search could have been caused by passing truck vibrations rather than a meteor impact, according to the study’s lead author, Ben Fernando. This discrepancy in location implies that the metal balls recovered from the seafloor may not be linked to the meteoric event as initially theorized.
Conflicting Theories on Meteoric Origin
Loeb’s team recovered hundreds of metal spherules from the ocean, with a fraction displaying unusual chemical compositions that hinted at an interstellar source. While Avi Loeb proposed the intriguing possibility of extraterrestrial technology behind the meteor, the JHU-led research team challenges this notion, suggesting that the seismic signals were misinterpreted. The diverging perspectives raise fundamental questions about the true origins of the underwater metal balls and the validity of claims regarding their extraterrestrial nature.
Continued Controversy Surrounding Loeb’s Theories
This latest critique is not the first time Avi Loeb has courted controversy with his unconventional theories. Previously, his proposition that ‘Oumuamua, an interstellar object passing by Earth, could be alien technology stirred debate within the scientific community. Despite facing skepticism and pushback from peers, Loeb’s endeavors have attracted support from tech leaders and financiers, further fueling his pursuit of extraterrestrial phenomena. The ongoing debate surrounding the underwater metal balls underscores the complexities of exploring potential alien origins and the need for robust scientific scrutiny in such investigations.