Emily Blunt, renowned for her roles in films like “The Devil Wears Prada” and “A Quiet Place,” has come under scrutiny after an old interview clip from The Jonathan Ross Show was widely shared online. In the 2012 segment, Blunt referred to a waitress as “enormous,” leading to recent accusations of her being “fatphobic.”
The video’s resurgence prompted a swift response from the actress. In a statement to People magazine, Blunt expressed her shock and remorse over her past remarks, stating, “I just need to address this head on as my jaw was on the floor watching this clip from 12-years ago. I’m appalled that I would say something so insensitive, hurtful, and unrelated to whatever story I was trying to tell on a talk show.”
She continued, “I’ve always considered myself someone who wouldn’t dream of upsetting anyone so whatever possessed me to say anything like this in that moment is unrecognisable to me or anything I stand for.” Blunt concluded her statement with an apology, acknowledging that she was “absolutely old enough to know better.”
The controversial segment from the show revolved around Blunt’s experience filming “Looper” in the United States. During the conversation, she recounted her visit to a Chili’s restaurant, where the host, Jonathan Ross, commented on the size of some Americans. Blunt’s response about the waitress’s appearance then followed.
The actress’s apology comes amidst a broader conversation about body positivity and the harmful impact of body-shaming comments. Many are now reflecting on past behaviors and remarks, recognizing the need for sensitivity and understanding in today’s society.