The Great Cat Rescue Chinese police, following a lead from animal rights activists, halted a truck transporting roughly 1,000 cats destined for slaughter. The incident took place in Zhangjiagang, Jiangsu province, as reported by the state-affiliated news channel, The Paper. These cats were intended to be mislabeled and sold as pork and lamb in various food items, including skewers and sausages.
Activists to the Rescue Diligent animal activists first detected suspicious wooden boxes brimming with cats near a cemetery. For nearly a week, these activists patrolled the area. They took action, reaching out to the police, when the suspicious truck initiated its journey towards a presumed slaughterhouse. Subsequent imagery showcased the rescued cats, now housed in more spacious cages within a shelter.
Lucrative but Deceptive Trade Gong Jian, a dedicated activist, stated to The Paper that these fraudulent operations can fetch around $4 per pound of cat meat by misleadingly labeling it as mutton or pork. Such deceptive practices have been deemed lucrative by those who partake. Another activist, Han Jiali, highlighted that this wasn’t an isolated incident, with similar encounters occurring in regions like Guangdong.
A Nation’s Concern for Animal Rights and Food Safety This alarming report ignited widespread concerns on Chinese social media platforms regarding animal welfare and food safety. Many users expressed their anxieties, urging the government to implement stricter regulations. China, unfortunately, has grappled with multiple food and safety scandals previously. A notorious incident involved a rat’s head being misidentified as a piece of duck neck in a school meal.
A Cry for Animal Protection Laws While the nation possesses regulations safeguarding livestock and endangered species, a glaring void exists concerning comprehensive animal cruelty laws. Past controversies, such as the highly debated Yulin dog meat festival and the unethical usage of endangered animal parts in traditional medicine, remain contentious subjects. The recent cat rescue incident, viewed over five million times on social media, has strengthened the public’s demand for the inception of robust animal protection legislation.