The Unexpected Turn of Events
Brooke Shields, a renowned actress, recently disclosed a startling and surreal experience she encountered last September. In a candid interview with Glamour, Shields detailed how a regular dining experience at L’Artusi restaurant in New York City turned into a life-threatening situation.
A Scary Ordeal
While preparing for her one-woman show, “Previously Owned by Brooke Shields,” the actress faced an unforeseen medical emergency. She recounts, “My hands dropped to my side and I went headfirst into the wall.” What followed was a terrifying scene where Shields was seen “frothing at the mouth, totally blue, trying to swallow my tongue.”
Bradley Cooper to the Rescue
In an unexpected twist, the next memory Shields has is of being in an ambulance, with none other than Bradley Cooper by her side. Shields shares her disbelief, saying, “Bradley f— Cooper is sitting next to me holding my hand.” This surreal experience made her ponder, “This is what death must be like,” as she found comfort in Cooper’s reassuring presence.
A Coincidental Hero
It turns out that Bradley Cooper, the famous actor, was in the vicinity when Shields suffered the seizure. He stepped in to assist when her husband, Chris Henchy, couldn’t be reached, accompanying her to the hospital and offering much-needed support during this frightening ordeal.
The Cause Behind the Seizure
Reflecting on the incident, Shields explained the unexpected cause behind her seizure. It was a result of consuming an excessive amount of water, leading to a dangerous drop in sodium levels. She humorously adds, as per her doctor’s advice, her current treatment plan includes a daily dose of potato chips to maintain her sodium levels.
A Remarkable Recovery
Thankfully, Shields’ story has a positive outcome. Despite the scare, she has made a full recovery and is back to her artistic endeavors. This incident serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a balanced diet and being aware of how seemingly harmless habits, like drinking water, can have significant health implications if not moderated.
Celebrity Support in Times of Need
This unusual rescue story highlights how, in times of need, support can come from the most unexpected places — even A-list celebrities like Bradley Cooper. Shields’ experience has not only brought attention to health awareness but also shone a light on the spontaneous acts of kindness that can occur in our everyday lives.