The limited series “Black Cake” is based on Charmaine Wilkerson’s acclaimed novel and features Mia Isaac in the role of the young Covey. The story is narrated by Covey’s older self, played by Chipo Chung, who leaves behind recordings for her grown children.
Covey’s journey begins in Jamaica, where her father’s financial struggles lead to her being forced into a marriage with an older man to settle her father’s debts. However, the groom dies under suspicious circumstances on their wedding day, prompting Covey to flee to Scotland and then England. Her life takes her through various challenges and tragedies as she navigates a foreign land during the tumultuous 1960s, marked by racism and sexism.
As Covey, now known as Eleanor, presents her will to her daughter Benny, played by Adrienne Warren, and her son Byron, portrayed by Ashley Thomas, she shares her story with the help of her attorney, played by Glynn Turman. The series explores themes of family, estrangement, and the complex dynamics that unfold as Covey’s past comes to light.
“Black Cake” combines elements of period drama with mystery, offering a narrative enriched by the experiences of its central character, Covey/Eleanor. While the series has received praise and attention, it also faces the challenge of balancing the drama of Covey’s journey with the dynamics of her relationship with her children.
With Oprah Winfrey serving as a producer, “Black Cake” is expected to bring Charmaine Wilkerson’s novel to life with a focus on Covey’s compelling narrative and the impact of her past on her family.