Bill Burr, renowned for his stand-up comedy, takes a leap into the world of cinema with “Old Dads,” a film that delves into the absurdities of contemporary parenting. The movie, which is set to premiere on Netflix, sees Burr wearing multiple hats as the director, star, and co-writer, collaborating with Ben Tishler.
In “Old Dads,” Burr’s character, Jack, navigates the complexities of being an older parent in a world of health-conscious private-school communities and impeccably dressed children. The narrative serves as an extension of Burr’s comedic style, where he often takes jabs at societal norms and expectations. However, translating a stand-up act into a film narrative presents its challenges, especially in today’s rapidly evolving cultural landscape.
The story revolves around Jack, who at 51, is expecting a second child with his wife, played by Katie Aselton. Alongside his friends Connor (Bobby Cannavale) and Mike (Bokeem Woodbine), Jack grapples with the challenges of parenting and professional life, especially after selling their sports-jersey company to a younger management team.
While “Old Dads” offers a humorous take on parenting in Los Angeles, it also touches upon the freedom stand-up comedians like Burr and Dave Chappelle enjoy in their acts, where they can be unapologetically offensive. In 2020, Burr’s jokes about “woke” White women on “Saturday Night Live” stirred controversy, and similar themes find their way into the movie.
Mike Bertolina, Burr’s business associate, mentioned that the film aims to encapsulate Burr’s stand-up in a narrative format. However, the transition from stage to screen can be tricky, as the dynamics of delivering comedy change when it’s directed at specific characters in a story.
While “Old Dads” is sure to resonate with Burr’s dedicated fanbase, the broader audience might find the film’s approach a tad outdated, given the evolution of comedy in movies over the years.
“Old Dads” is set to premiere on October 20 on Netflix and is rated R.