Rehearsal for a Greater Mission The recent flyby of Dinkinesh by NASA’s Lucy spacecraft in Mars’ main asteroid belt has led to a remarkable discovery. Lucy, located nearly 300 million miles away, captured an incredible picture of Dinkinesh when it was only 270 miles away. The data and images were then transmitted back to Earth. Unveiling Dinkinesh The findings from the mission revealed that Dinkinesh is a small asteroid, measuring just barely a half-mile across, with a crater approximately a tenth-of-a-mile wide. This close encounter served as a rehearsal for a more ambitious undertaking – exploring the enigmatic asteroids near…

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Historic Achievement Underscores Divided Nature of Modern Politics WASHINGTON — Vice President Kamala Harris made history on Tuesday by casting her 32nd tiebreaking vote in the Senate, setting a new record that highlights the closely divided nature of modern politics. This vote advanced the nomination of Judge Loren AliKhan to the U.S. District Court in Washington, solidifying Harris’s place in American history books. Harris Surpasses John C. Calhoun’s Record Harris’s 32nd tiebreaking vote surpassed the previous record held by John C. Calhoun, who served as Vice President from 1825 to 1832. Calhoun, a staunch defender of slavery and white supremacy,…

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Lawmakers Allege Biden Administration’s Role in Allowing Illegals to Cross A surge of mostly Venezuelan illegal immigrants on September 20 resulted in the closure of two bridges as Customs and Border Protection (CBP) struggled to handle the overwhelming numbers. Lawmakers have accused the Biden Administration’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) of cutting and removing Concertina wire and fencing, installed by state and local governments as a deterrent, thereby assisting the aliens in crossing illegally. Texas Governor Greg Abbott had set up the border wire under Operation Lone Star to discourage illegal immigration. Texas subsequently sued the administration over the cutting…

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Expulsion of Santos Sets New Precedent The senator in question is facing charges of being a foreign agent for Egypt, which has sparked a discussion about the standards for expulsion in Congress. This controversy has led to comparisons with previous cases and raised questions about potential double standards. Historical Precedents for Expulsion Historically, expulsion from the House or Senate required being either a convict or having ties to the Confederate cause. However, recent cases deviated from this pattern, including the expulsion of former Rep. Ozzie Myers and late Rep. Jim Traficant, who were both found guilty in federal court. The…

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AI Developers Argue Importance of Technology Supersedes Copyright Law Investors and developers in the artificial intelligence (AI) industry are fighting against lawsuits filed by artists and writers, claiming that the development process of AI involves copyright infringement on a massive scale. While the AI community argues that their technology is of utmost importance to the future of humanity, they also claim that copyright law should not hinder their progress. They argue that if forced to pay fees to copyright holders for using their creative works to train AI systems, many AI companies may be forced out of business. However, the…

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The Section 230 Loophole and Deep Fakes President Biden’s recent executive order on artificial intelligence (AI) aims to establish best practices and standards for AI models. However, there are two significant omissions that may hinder its effectiveness. The first is the failure to address the Section 230 loophole provided by the Communications Decency Act. This loophole protects social media platforms from liability for distributing AI-generated content, including deep fakes and misinformation. Without holding platforms accountable, the spread of harmful content may continue, undermining the order’s intentions. The Need to Address Terms of Service The second omission in President Biden’s AI…

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Creating Oxygen from Martian Materials A team of scientists from the University of Science and Technology of China in Hefei has developed a groundbreaking robotic artificial-intelligence chemist. This robot is capable of autonomously synthesizing and optimizing catalysts for the oxygen evolution reaction using Martian meteorites. According to the researchers, oxygen supply is of utmost importance for any human activity on Mars. Rocket propellants and life support systems consume significant amounts of oxygen, which cannot be replenished from the Martian atmosphere. However, by creating oxygen from Martian materials and ice, astronauts could eliminate the need to transport oxygen-creating supplies from Earth.…

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“First light” achieved by NASA’s Psyche spacecraft in groundbreaking laser transmission NASA has achieved a major milestone in space communications with the successful test of laser transmission between its Psyche spacecraft and the Hale Telescope at Caltech’s Palomar Observatory in California. The test data was sent back from a distance approximately 40 times farther than the moon’s orbit, marking a significant advancement in long-range data transmission. Revolutionizing Space Communications The laser transmission, described as a “first light” by NASA, took place on November 14th. Psyche’s cutting-edge laser transceiver, capable of sending and receiving near-infrared signals, locked onto an uplink laser…

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Legislation Expected to Be Introduced to Restore Trump-Era Policy A new legislation, named “The 2 for 1 Act,” is set to be introduced on Friday with the aim of reining in the regulatory state and cutting red tape. The bill, championed by lawmakers who believe that the Biden administration’s regulations have made life harder for American farmers and small businesses, seeks to restore the Trump administration’s principle of repealing two regulations for every new regulation created. Restoring Common-Sense Principles to Make It Easier for Americans to Earn a Living According to Representative Mike Gallagher, who supports “The 2 for 1…

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Candidate Skips Debates and Remains Unharmed The recent series of prime-time GOP debates have concluded, and it appears that the candidate who skipped out on all four debates emerged as the big winner. That candidate is former President Donald Trump, who, despite not participating, remains the commanding frontrunner in the GOP nomination race with the Iowa caucuses and the New Hampshire primary fast approaching. Debates Did Not Change the Inevitable Political strategists and veterans of numerous GOP presidential campaigns agree that the debates did not change the fact that Trump is likely to be the nominee and win both Iowa…

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